Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 7. First resupply!

Resupply day and hurry up and wait

Today I pick up my first of many resupply boxes! So I already knew before I got here that the post office doesn't open till noon. I just didn't know how painful it was going to be sitting around for hours waiting for it to open.

This morning while packing up Wyoming came walking by. They stayed in the camp sit behind mine they got in late last night. I told her how awesome the shower was. She was under the impression it was a cold shower and wasn't going to use it.

I got to the post office at 8:30 ish and there was already a bunch of people waiting. Some people had actually set there box to the store and could get it early for $5 fee. I'm trying to avoid the box fees.

While I was waiting I was messing around and figured out how to rig my umbrella to this new pack.

At about 11:45 Heckel and Jeckel showed up and so did Mogli. He walked up with a beer can he found in the grass beside the trail. He was going to have it shipped ahead 700 miles to Kennedy Meadows where we all have to keep our food in one. They are like $65-85 so that's a score for sure. It was nice to see everyone again. Sadly I think this might be the last time. They started a half day ahead of me and was a half day behind. So I'm thinking in two days we won't run into each other. I'm doing a little more miles then them each day.

Finally got my resupply. Just added 8lbs of food to my pack! But I also sent 1.5lbs of stuff home. I send my soft shell jacket and extra pair of shorts.

I said my goodbyes and at 1:45 I was off headed back to the trail. I said down at the picnic table by the trail and are one of my heaviest dinners to lighten the load some. I could hear some car campers in the site next to me talking about me. I heard them refer to me as a hitch hiker. They don't have a clue lol. I didn't pay them much attention. It was 2:15p by the time I started moving down the trail. The plan was to hike about 10 miles to Pioneer mail picnic area and camp for the night.

First 5 miles uneventful till I came into a weird burnt forest area.

YouTube Video

Then I came upon my first amazing wide open view. Pictures never due it justice.

I walked on a little bit and went down the mountain into a valley and back up this other mountain and I came to another great spot.

I pulled out my chair and sat for a bit to take it all in.

Everybody should have a chair for moments like this. It was just so dam awesome perfect weather my words can't describe how I feel right now. I feel so alive and free...

YouTube Video

Another selfie, got to have the selfies so we can watch my beard grow.

Yeah 50 miles down!

The short 10 miles I went was a little rough on my feet. They hurt the last 4 miles to camp, clearly not happy with the extra weight.

Got to the picnic area about 4:30p and there was already like 15 or so people already there we joked and called it kick off #2. There was a outhouse here and a horse tank thing to get water from. I had some of my vegan chill for the first time on the trail and it was amazing! I stayed up a little bit and had a good conversation with Snake Farm who I just met. He had hiked the AT in 2011. I called it a night and retreated to my tent.

I am rudely awaken at 11p by the sound of ridiculous wind. Blowing my tent all over the place. Good thing I bought ear plugs at the store in Laguna.

Big day tomorrow it's off to Scissors crossing 25 miles away! I've never walked that far before.

- Posted from my iPhone

Day 6. Finally on the trail

No more Lazy days, My Journey begins...

Lake Morena mile 20 to Mt Laguna mile 42.6
Miles hiked today 22.6

I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm and just laid there till the Alarm went off at 5am. I jumped into lets get the hell out of here mode. The plan is to hike all the way to Mt. Laguna 22.6 miles. I still haven't developed a system yet of packing up camp so it feels really awkward. My tent looks like a bomb went off in it, shit everywhere. I am still inside my tent and I can start to hear people waking up and an packing as well. So I took down the tent and pack everything up and walked over to the campsite where the food is. They are serving yogurt and granola with fresh cut fruit on a tortilla. It's so good, they take such good care of us here. Goldmine was still inside his tent I asked if he was awake. I was hoping that I was going to get to hike with him today. He had other plans to take it easy today and start slow. Bummer I hope I run into him again later down the trail. My intentions are to hit it hard and see how far I can go.

It is 6:30 so I walked to the trail where I had came off from into the camp ground and started my walk. I passed and met a bunch of people along the way. Every time I told them I was going all the way to Mt. Laguna today they kind of looked at me funny and said "your going that far today?"

Everyone wanted to take it easy and what not, thats just not my way. I believe that the only way to get better is to push yourself out of the comfort zone. If it's comfortable you don't ever improve. The body and the mind need to be stressed to get better. It's going to hurt of course. I feel like I have a grasp on the difference between the good pain and the injury kind of pain having experienced some of the near injury kind last year and during training its year. I just feel so good right now.

So I took a little video of the start of my day. Enjoy

YouTube Video

A nice view from the top of the first little hill.


It's so funny I have seen these walls in other peoples pictures that hiked in years past. It's so crazy to be here under this bridge and see them for myself

I came to the Boulder Oaks camp ground. In the dirt someone wrote "LazyBoy your home" with an arrow pointing to the right. I ran over there Cowboy and Wyoming where still there just about done packing up. they had told me that Mogli, Heckel and Jeckel had just left.

I was walking along and at about 1 more mile. I heard someone yell "LAZYBOY" I looked up and found Mogli chillin on this big rock drinking and eating snacks lol.

He offered some snackes but I must push on. I told him How far I was going and that I would see him tomorrow waiting for the post office to open up (at noon, Damit)

Another picture of something I have seen a lot in other peoples photos.

So the day went on and the miles flew by and before I knew it I had walked 17 miles with no break. So I found a nice place to post up my chair off the trail and in the shade. I spoke with a guy named Lumber, nice guy. I had peanut butter with honey on a tortilla. I stayed maybe 15 min. Back to walking! The trail to Laguna is a constant climb which was great It's so much easier to go up then down (my feet start to get hot spots on the down)

22 miles down today with no problems and no blisters.

YouTube Video

just wanted to take you guys on a walk with me so thats what this next video is all about.

YouTube Video

I made it into Mt. Laguna and it's a small town with a small general store (which is closed right now) a post office, an awesome little shop packed floor to ceiling with awesome gear and a Restaurant.

I want to check out this famous, and small gear store. I ended up buying a back up water bladder for my water filter. They had some trail magic with a cooler with free beer out front too! It was PBR which is pretty gross on most days but today It was amazing. Sat down for a bit outside the store and chatted with some hikes outside the gear shop. All I want to do right now is eat and get off my feet. So I walked over to the restaurant. I was surprised it had a really good menu with local fresh foods. I got a salad with a bunch of veggies and some kind of spices and italian dressing it was amazing.

While at the restaurant Meg and Jeff (met them at kick off) where there they said I could stay in there campsite for free! (normally $22 and 8 people per site.) The best part about this site is that they had showers and for $1.75, I took a wonderfull 7 minute shower.

LazyBoy all warm in my tent saying goodnight with a cup of hot tea.

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 3, 4 and 5. Kick Off

On day 3 I'm still filling a little soreness in my neck but that's about it. My voice is back to normal. On day 4 I'm pretty much 100% yea!

So Thursday came and went pretty fast. I checked in for kick off at 4pm and moved to me new campsite. Which was sad cause I really like every I was with at 64. But on the other hand I met a bunch on other really cool people. This guy named Goldmine. He lives in CA and reminds me of one of our friends Kyle that passed away not long ago. He's awesome and is hilarious. Also met and older couple named Jeff and Meg. Very nice people. And an older gentlemen that is at least 70 named monkey Wrench. Got to love trail names.

Speaking of trail names it's official I am now LazyBoy. Now I can finally get my sharpie out and write my name on all my stuff that I will pry forget and or lose somewhere.

So it's been a few days since I have hiked and I'm starting to get antsy. I realized that my lower back was still really really sore from the first 20 miles. I happen to notice on my pack that the mesh had a hole worn in it. I looked closer and found that the wire frame had rubbed though, it was pressing against my back! This pack has got to go... I contacted Gregory and they are going to give me a refund and I'm going to buy a pack at kickoff.

Day 4 and 5 kick off has begun. I got a new pack it's a 6 moons Design pack and it is so sweet it feels so good on my back and it's only 39 ounces which is more than a pound lighter than my other one. There was a mobile post office here so I was able to ship it back to Gregory. I forgot to take pictures of my new pack. So stay turned for that.

I went to the stick pic booth and Joe Andersen a trail angle of Casa De Luna walked right up next to me. So I got a picture with him and Rod one of the inventors of the stick pic.

Wyoming and Brock liked my pack so much they both went and got fitted for one and both bought one. She had a Golite and he had a gossamer gear pack. This pack is the shit I tell you. Lol
Brock is now Cowboy by the way.

Here a picture with me and Mogli.

I didn't catch that guys name but the two girls from camp 64 now go by Heckle and Jeckle. Haha. They are hiking together and share a tent and cook stove and some other things.

During kick off they have like hour long talks about a bunch off different stuff that us noob might need to know. Like storing food in bear county, hiking in the desert, the water report, avoiding overuse injuries, ect. We get four free meals too. This whole event is free to 2014 thru hikers. Free food and camping. It was pretty awesome. I think I heard that there was like 1000+ hikers here this year.

It's day 5 and tomorrow I finally start hiking again! Wyoming, Cowboy, Mogli, Heckle and Jeckle already left and where going to hike the 6 miles to Boulder Oaks and camp for the night then hike the 17 miles to Mt. Laguna.

So Goldmine and I am going to leave early morning. I sent my alarm

Can't wait to get going. I'm out of here for now. Don't forget to follow/subscribe the fun starts

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 2. Lake Morena, Recovery

I can't believe that just Happened to me

I woke up serval Times through out the night and my neck and chest where so stiff and sore moving around was very painful. So I slept in till 9am. I was barrly able to eat my oatmeal.

Here is my first campsite.

I packed up my stuff and was preparing to make the 23 mile trek to Mt. Laguna stopping first at Boulder Oaks Camp Ground which was the next good water source. So it's always a good idea to know where the next water source is. This way you know how much water to carry till them.

I was ready to go even though I didn't feel good I was feeling slightly better and on the downward slope of whatever is going on with me. But at this point It was almost 11am so I considered staying at Boulder Oaks. I thought first maybe I should get a little medical advice before I leave here so I called my girlfriend's cousin Ashley since she is a nurse. After talking to her I had decided that I needed to stay here at Lake Morena till I was feelin better and in the clear of whatever is going on with me.
So I set my Tent again In better shade. Campsite 64 is the designated campsite for all the PCT hikers. The trail goes right beside my tent. Here I am meeting a bunch of Awesome people (that I have become really good friends with)

I was hanging out in my tent when this really loud guy with a huge red beard showed up named Levi. He asked if anyone wanted to walk up to the store/deli/ice cream shop. I decided to go with, I hadn't eaten lunch yet. I am really glad I did, I got to know Levi, he is such an kind hearted/free spirted person that always says the hot shit. I am always laughing when I'm around this guy.

Check out this amazing veggie sandwich I got from the Deli. It had avocado, tomatoe, lettuce, cucumber, sautéd mushrooms, onion, green peppers and a little italian dressing. I added a little hot sauce. So good I want to go get another one right now.

The view from my tent. That is the PCT right there.

My first Trail magic. I was walking by and these guys called me over for some strawberry shortcake. I got to meet Honey and Bear. They are trail angels from the AT which is a long distance hiking trail like the PCT, but in the east coast. There was another surprise at the table.

Billy Goat was sitting there as well! (He's sitting on the right in the blue jacket) Billy Goat is famous in the hiker community. He has hiked about 44,000 miles on the PCT, CDT, and AT (he's a triple Crowner) So that was neat getting to be around him and listen to him talk.

These are some of the nice folks at campsite 64. NatGeo, MadHatter, Auto, Cathryn, Jenna, Levi/Mogli is his new trail name. and Tim on the end. Missing from the photo is Wyoming and Broc. They where still in camp too cause Broc had also gotten sick last night. He was puking his guts out. He seems to be feeling better this morning. I found out that Jenna is from CO and Cathryn was living in Fort Collins for the last 4 or 5 months pry to this. It's such a small world.

All and all it was a pretty good day hanging out and getting to know my new trail family. I am slowly feeling better. I have decided to just hang out here till after the Kick off (ADZPCTKO) I got here Tuesday night and KO gets over Saturday night so I have some time to kill.

Looking back it wasn't very smart for me not to have gone to the hospital. I wish I had an epi pen.

I'm feeling antsy I want to hike. I'm ready to go!

- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 1!!! campo to Lake Morena

It's really happening! best day worst evening,

Woke up this morning at 5am. Breakfast at 5:30 and on the road at 6. There was 10 of us that was leaving Scout and Fordo's. Arriving at the Monument was surreal. I was so excited my hands where shaking. Of course we all took photos.

Photo below is Jeff. His trail name was Rags when he started the first time. but since he is starting again maybe will call him Repeat. He was going to get dropped off at lake Morena and start where he left off. So I hope to catch up to him someday. He said he was would buy me a Burger if I caught up.

Photo below is Dave from Canada.

Here is a photo of me with my chair that I am going to carry the whole way.

Every journey in life starts with the first step.

The secret to success in anything in life: Know where you are going. Know that you are a success when you are pursuing your goal. You have no control over your results, you can only control your disciplines. Celebrate your disciplines not your results. IF all else fails and I'm having a rough day remember; one foot after the other just keeping hiking.

I have taken my first step...

It's pretty crazy and hard to believe that I am actually here doing it. I have been preparing and dreaming of this moment for almost a year. The first mile stone has come really quit.

Had my first little break my shoes full of little rocks. I forgot to put on my Dirty Girl Gators. During my break Dave decide to carry on. (little did I know I wouldn't catch back up to him. Atleast not today)

Here is a video of the first of 3 snakes I saw today. it was a bit stubborn at first.

Decided to sit down for the first time on my chair while on the trail. Wow it's amazing, say what you will about carrying a chair I can tell you already #worthit lol.

A couple guys came by and we talked for a while. It was Meka and Mike. we all had good laugh about my chair and they carried on. I sat and had lunch. After I dug my first cathole ;)

about 3 miles later I pulled out the chair to sit and dry out my feet. Meka and Mike came walking up the trail again some how I passed them. They must have gotten off trail to find shade. As they passed by they shouted Lazy Boy! I'm pretty sure I just got my trail name. I guess we will see.

Found this tree that was a really cool red color. I am not into taking photos of flowers and what not but this tree was awesome.

another break with a snack dehydrated apples w/cinnamon that I made my self and a little peanut butter. absolutely amazing.

You can see the trail that I just came from all the way across this valley. What nobody ever tells you is that after you get to Hauser Creek there is like a 1000 ft climb in the last 5 to Morena. It wasn't terrible but I wasn't expecting it.

As I was climbing I started to notice my chest was feeling tight and my throat was swollen it was starting to get hard to swallow. I was able to breath ok but breathing was starting to become painful. I pushed on I only had 4 more miles to get to lake Morena. I reached the top and it was very obvious that something was very wrong. I had cell service so I started looking up my symptoms on webMD and it was less then helpful. So I had a couple options here I could sit here in pain and keep getting worse or I could push on get to Lake Morena and get myself out of here and get help... I wasn't going to be that person and just sit around to die. (Let's not be dramatic, but this is what was going through my head.) I was about 50 yards from the campground when I stopped to read a sign when Wyoming and Brock (an awesome couple I met at about mile 5) caught up to me. I had seen them at Hauser Creek 5 miles back. I told them what was going on Wyoming gave me allergy medicine and we walked in to the camp ground looking from the thru hikers camp spot. The sun had just set so it was dark and the campground map was confusing or maybe we're just really exhausted. At this point I can hardly swallow and my chest and neck hurt and my voice sounds really weird and nasally. I set up my tent in the dark grabbed my sleep clothes(clean clothes only used for sleeping) soap and towel and headed to the showers.

I just took the best and worst shower of my life. I was covered in dirt so it was great to get clean but it was cold outside and the shower water was luke warm and the water dribbled out. It was bad and painful.

I was feeling horrible facing a dilemma I knew I should try and get medical help here but I didn't know what that was going to look like I wasn't going to call an ambulance and deal with that noise and expense. So I figured That as long as I could breath ok and I wasn't getting worse I would more than likely be better in the morning. Tomorrow the plan is to wake up early and head out to Mt. Laguna. I couldnt even eat dinner. I fell asleep while inflating my sleeping pad and half way out of my sleeping bag.

I woke up a couple times and i hurt so bad it was hard to move. I managed to inflate my sleeping pad enough to get most of my body off the ground. The thoughts I was thinking "I hope I wake up in the morning. I can't believe this is happening on day one. " but obviously I didnt die or you wouldn't be reading this. I was't sure if I should tell this complete story or not. I decided to just share my whole experience as it happened.

I so far I have met so many people that are just awesome. I can't wait to continue my journey on the trail and beat this whatever that has come over me. It's not going to take me off the trail I won't let it...

Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hours still my start date... Anxiety of sorts

I guess this is day zero

Woke up this morning a little after 4am with a feeling of urgency that I haven't felt in a while. I have so much to do this morning before my 8 am flight to San Diego. Quick shower and got dressed and realized that I am going to be wearing the same cloths everyday now for the next 5 months. It hit me like a ton of bricks... Anxiety, adrenalin was flowing like crazy I couldn't even think straight. So I started packing up all my gear and stuffing my extremely fluffy sleeping bag into its tiny compression sack. Packed 3 days of food into my brand new sea to summit sack aka"food bag" with everything in my pack it looks ridiculous. It's so big! (That's what she said) haha

So a couple days ago I picked up this big old ugly bag with wheels from the second had store to put my backpack in while I check it on the airplane. It only cost $7! Which is great cause I intend to ditch it at San Diego airport when I arrive.

All loaded up and ready to go. And I realize my shoes are outside from the day before drying cause I washed them and I couldn't find the insoles?? I asked Jordan and we figured out she had packed them up with all of my other stuff that we moved to my parents house! Oh no. I'm already running a hour behind and I don't have insoles to my shoes. Flight is at 8, two hours early to get through security plus a hour drive. And it's almost 6 ahh. It's cool though Walmart is on the way. After a year of thinking about nothing but the PCT and I suddenly feel so unprepared. Anxiety again...

Walmart had the insoles I like and we are off. Arriving at the airport was bitter sweet. I have been looking forward to this day for almost a year but, I had to say good bye to my PIC (partner in crime)/ best friend of over 4 and half years that I have practically spent everyday with during that time. It was really tough I'm going to miss her and I hate to see her sad. (Love you Jordan!) She drives away while I go inside east terminal of DIA towards frontier counter. :(

I glad I'm a frequent flier. I got this airport thing down pretty good. Which was really good the airport was F-ing crazy the frontier counter had huge lines. Since I checked in the night before I bypassed the line and walked right up to the counter and printed my boarding pass and dropped my bag at the checked bags counter. I ran around hundreds of people headed to security. Got through security with 30 min till boarding. Time for breakfast.

An easy flight I have landed in San Diego.

I called Scout and Frodo the trail angels picking me up from the airport they told me where to meet and there was two others coming in at the same time. It's funny cause even through I didn't know who I was looking for. I knew instantly when I saw Dave he was a hiker. Trail runners, kacky zip off pants, a white long sleeve desert shirt and a huge bag. So I met my first of many hikers. Dave is from Canada he is going to hike from Mexico to Lake Tahoe or so. He plans to be there around July 1st which is the same time I should be there. So we will pry be seeing a lot of each other if we both stick to our plans. He's really nice guy super positive and also is a business owner.

We have arrived at Scout and Frodo's house! This place is incredible. They are super set up and organized to do amazing things for us hikers. Super spoiled.

Frodo and Scout

I met Jeff on the way from the airport. He is from Seattle He actually already Hiked the first 20 miles to Lake Morena got sick with ammonia flew home and is back to continue. He's a pretty cool guy we shared the tent trailer in front of Scout and Frodo's house. He showed me a lot of cool ways to make my gear lighter.

I met a lot of other Hiker at Scout and Frodo's place. A couple from Germany, Some brothers Luke and Josh from Wisconsin. Eduardo from Mexico. I also met WakieTalkie He Hiked the PCT last year he is from the UK. He flew here to go to the Kickoff party this weekend. He Gave me a ride to REI to exchange my tent. He is freaking hilarious.

We all had an awesome dinner! Thank you Scout and Frodo. They are amazing people I can't believe the amount of generosity they give to all us Hikers and ask nothing in return. Well it's time for bed I have a big day tomorrow.

My pack is ready to go.

- Posted from my iPhone