Mile 1142 to mile 1155
Hiked 13 miles
We woke up this morning and Steal Toe informs me that our plan to get to Sierra city will put us there late on Saturday. And the Post office will be closed Sunday. So forcing us to zero.
After he told me that. I said "looks like we are hitching into Truckee for Pizza and ice cream!!!" Since we have a day to kill, why not.
We all got water and started hiking a 7:40am. It was a nice day and easy hiking.
We came down to the road and there was some trail magic! This guy had his bear can with ice and drinks.
It was an easy hitch into Truckee. This couple that worked at a kids summer camp picked us up. It was a fun ride. Wow it's awesome to ride in a car! It's fun to go so fast.
I'm Dork, I know.
We arrived in Truckee at about 1pm and the plan was to eat Pizza and go to DQ and get a blizzard. Then hitch back out to the trail. A couple hours tops... Ha will see.
So I managed to break the new iPhone charging cable that I bought in South Lake Tahoe. So I walked around town till I found one at a drug store. Of course it was more expensive, another $25 wasted. Guess I have to have it though. I also bought some Dr. Scholls inserts for my Planters Fasciitis. My heal is starting to bother me.

By the time we decided to hitch back to the trail it was 5! So we waited little over an hour before we got picked up by this cool couple from the UK. They were here on holiday. Lowlander and Steal Toe needed water so we walked over to the ski lodge and it was closed. They got water from the spicket which they said smelled and tasted like rust. I told them to filter it. But they didn't. I wasn't about to get water from there. I have found that I'm kind of a water snob. Haha I only drink from the finest springs and streams. If available ;) So we just went up the trail to the first campsite not even a 1/4 mile. I was so full and sick from the ice cream and large strawberry limeade. All I wanted to do was sleep. We joked before we got picked up that we should stealth camp in town next to the on ramp by some trees lol.
Tomorrow is another day of hiking. Two days and will be in Sierra City.
- Posted from my iPhone