Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 73, Bridgeport to see the doc

July 10

Mile 1007 to Sonora pass (road to Bridgeport mile 1018

Hiked 11 miles

I woke up and ate breakfast with Pete. He didn't have any coffee so I have his a couple of my instant hazel nut coffee packets. He was going to hike real slow. To delay getting to his vehicle till 3pm cause the traffic in Bay Area is pretty bad. He said if I was still at the road when he gets there he would take me to Bridgeport. But I should be long gone by then.

I started hiking at 7am the pass was awesome. The trail was nice. Graded very well. Like I'm used to from the desert. It was an easy 10 miles.

I climbed up Sonora pass really easy it was the easiest pass I think I have done. It was beautiful.

I got down to the road. It's hitching time. To the left people can go to Kennedy Meadows north and to the right is Bridgeport. I met another hiker named CJ she was nice. She hiked the PCT in 94 so it was cool to talk to her about the trail. She also knew Sheryl Strayed who wrote the book wild.

We caught a ride just as the rain started to fall. Huge rain drops that would have soaked us in no time. The lady that picked us up had perfect timing.

We got into town and I headed straight to a place to eat. I had a panini sandwhich.

I walked to the clinic. And they didn't have a doctor there but they had a PA so they checked me out and really didn't give me any answers. They drew some blood to test so I will have to wait till tomorrow and see if they find anything.

Update: The PA called me the next day and said my bloods results didn't show anything. She said my blood sugar was a little low.

So basically she said drink lot of water and eat a lot and don't push so hard...

Well I can't say it was a waste of money. But it really didn't tell me much.

I checked into a motel and just as I was walking to the room a hiker I had never met before was being dropped off his name is Oak. We ended up splitting the cost of the room. He was going to go to med school to become a doctor. Pretty crazy. So many people you meet out here doing so many different things.

I went to the little grocery store here in town and bought some snacks and a another days worth of food to get me to echo lake.

Just being off the trail for a little bit has helped me recharge and realize that if I went home right now I would just wish I was still hiking. I had a nice conversation with Blue Butterfly(I met her in Tuolumne)she is the sweetest lady I have ever met. She too was feeling like she wanted to quit after this last section. But after some rest in town we both decided to keep going.

I walked over to the gas station to get some Gatorade and saw this amazing sunset

Bluebutterfly is in the blue jacket

Back to the motel. Oak and I watched tv and went to sleep.

Tomorrow after check out it's back to the trail.

I don't like posting about all these negative thoughts and feelings I'm having. I wish it was all happy with warm fuzzies and what not. I'm just trying to keep it real. I want to remember my struggle as well as the triumphs. I try to maintain a positive outlook. I know that trail is testing me. I talk to the trail like its a power in the universe. I believe I was meant to meet the people and experience things along the way. The trail makes me hurt to slow me down to experience those things. I'm trying to convince the trail to make me feel good to speed up. Lol. Especially since my window of finishing the trail is closing quickly. I'm currently 14 days behind schedule. I need to start pushing 25+ mile days to finish when I want to.

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 72, I see red... Again

July 9

"Pooh bear" meadow mile 995 to Last water campsite mile 1007

Hiked 12 miles

I'm happy to report there was no bear activity last night. I guess Pooh is scared of hiker monsters after all lol.

I was on the trail at 7:18am I keep sleeping in and I don't like it. It's just hard to get going before the sun is up. I usually have to have some pretty good motivation, even though I'm awake at 3:30 or 4 am everyday.

I made the 700 ft climb up to Dorthy Lake. And wow it's awesome.

I wasn't expecting to see a lake at the top like this. It's amazing. I spent some time up here and rested by the lake.

Here is the other side of the lake where I took a break.

Found this random cabin. It's a snow survey shelter.

I walked on and came to the 1000 mile mark!!!

It's awesome that I've made it this far. But I am kicking around the idea of quitting. I feel like making it 1000 miles is pretty good and I would fill I have done something that a lot of people couldn't do. I'm still pissing blood so I need to get this checked out. I'm going to go into Bridgeport and go to the clinic there. I know you should never make a permanent decision on a temporary situation. Never quit on a bad day.

Someone left this cartoon at the 1000 mile mark.

Met a weekend warrior backpacker named Pete. Nice guy we talked for a while. All of his gear was from the 70's and 80's. He said he was going to camp after the last water and do Sonora pass in the morning.

I hiked on and I was getting water at the last stream and Pete came by. I wasn't feeling hiking right now so I decided to camp with Pete. It was pretty early and I could have made the trek up the pass but. I was just done.

Pete and his tent.

Pete's old canvas tent and his puffy jacket that's 40 years old!

He was interested in my new gear. It was cool getting to know him and here stories from his life and all of the backpacking he's done. People are interesting. We cooked dinner and I got to watch him hang is food in a tree.

It's hard to see in the photo cause of the lighting.

I went to sleep and I have made the decision that I'm going to go into Bridgeport tomorrow to see the Doc.

- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 71, The real Pooh Bear

July 8
Campsite at mile 972 to "Pooh bear" meadow mile 995

Hiked 22 miles

I got a late start again around 8am is when I started hiking. Today looks like it's going to be kind of tough 4700 ft of climbing and 4200 of down. Let's go!

I started listening to an audio book which is nice to let the mind wonder while the body does the hiking.

For some reason the body isn't liking the hiking today. I am finding the mind doesn't like it either right now. I'm climbing bond pass and it really sucks. I turned off the audio book and found a rock to lay on. I think the rocks are good for your back. Lumpy and hard. For whatever reason I'm just not a happy camper or should I say hiker. I feel low on energy. I eat some snacks and close my eyes. I feel asleep for a minute or two. I open my eyes and looked at the clouds and trees above me. It's nice and peaceful out here.

This is what I was looking at. I'm so down right now. I keep wondering why am I doing this to myself. I don't want to hike anymore today. I look at my pack and I'm over it. I hate that it's so heavy right now. Somethings are going to change Im getting rid of stuff next town stop. This is weird I was feeling so good yesterday. Why am I feeling so crapy. I haven't seen anybody today. Complete solitude. I didn't like it. I just not enjoying myself right now. I don't know how much further I'm going to go.

I despise bears right now because of the stupid bear can I have to carry. I haven't even seen any bears.

Oh yeah and I'm pissing blood again... Awesome. Which is contributing to my downward spiral.

I pulled myself together and realized my attitude sucks. I need to just push on. So I did. I pushed on and on a on... I finally came to some flat ground and realized it's almost dark I'd like to camp with some people so I felt a burst of energy coming on pry from all the snacking I've been doing all day. I finally felt good. I'm in this really nice and long meadow (grace meadow). there is a stream down the middle and the trail is in the trees along the left side it's nice so I push as fast as I can to find some people. It feels good to be feeling good and I'm hammering out the miles. 3 miles went by fast.

I'm happily hiking on with my head down and I smell something. Something kind of like some nasty poop or something. I remembered a story about some smelling something nasty and then finding out there was a bear on the otherside of a car next to them. So I thought, is that a bear I smell. I looked up and stopped abruptly. Shit! It's not shit it's a Bear! There is a nasty smelling bear right in front of me! (15 or 20 yards) I have been thinking over many miles over and over in my head what I would do in this situation. I started yelling as deep and loud as I could. Aaahhhhh get out of here!!! Banging my poles together. I even started hitting and shacking a small tree next to me. I'M A HIKING MONSTER! The bears response... It just starred at me... Crap, I guess this bear isn't afraid of hiking monsters. I kept yelling absentities and started backing up. Till I couldn't see the bear. I wanted to just keep walking the other direction. But that's counter productive. So I guess I'll go around. There wasn't anywhere to cross the stream so I just jumped in the knee deep water and walked through. I walked through the grass on the other side of the stream for about 100 yards and no sign of the pooh bear. Lol so I walked back through the stream again. My adrenalin was pumping pretty good I didn't feel the cold water at all. I found my way back to the trail and kept on hiking. I wanted to put some miles between the two of us. Since I was so not so scary to the bear. I wondered if he would bother me or my bear canister later. I still needed to cook dinner and I knew not all of my food fits in my can so I have to sleep with almost half my food. I went about a mile and I came across a south bound hiker. He stopped to talk to me for a bit. He congratulates me on hiking this far from the Mexico border. I told him about stinky back there. I couldn't help but think how familiar this guy looks. He told me he had hike 500 miles in 21 days. (Holy shit that 23 miles avg a day with resupply and what not) the skeeters where bad so we parted ways. After a few minutes. Holy shit that was Scott Williamson! I didn't ask him his name so I can't confirm it for sure. Scott Williamson is the only person (that I know of, I could be wrong) to yoyo the whole PCT (Mexico to Canada and turn around and go back to Mexico in the same year!) dam I wish I could have gotten a picture. Maybe it wasn't him but oh well. I guess I may never know for sure.

I'm beat. I found the next flat spot and set up the tent. The skeeters where bad so I made dinner in my tent. Yikes everything is going to smell like food. (It does already anyways) I debated on how far away to place my bear can. Do I keep it close so I can hear if stinky comes by and messes with it? Do I want a second chance to try and scare it way? Or do I put it out do ear shot so I can sleep right through?


Rice and tastybite Bombay potatoes.

So I put it about 50 feet away so I could be close and protect my food. I put the rest of my food in my oder proof sack.

I'm a little nervous going to sleep but I really need to sleep. I am ready to face whatever happens.

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 70, back in the groove

July 7

Glen Aulin PCT mile 948 to campsite at mile 972

Hiked 24 miles

I was on the trail at 6:29 and I feels good. I feel good again. It feels good to feel good. My short day yesterday was rough. My pack is still stupid heavy but at least I get to eat it lighter. ;)

I only took 2 photos today. This lake was the best thing I had seen all day.

It was nice and over cast all day, nice and cool. Which made the miles much easier. I went up and over Benson Pass it wasn't so bad.

I haven't seen any other hikers for most of the day. The first thru hiker I saw was laying down in the meadow on the grass under his umbrella. He slept as I walked by. I had to stop and make sure he was still breathing cause his position was a little unusual. He's good. Lol.

About an hour later he caught up to me while I was taking a break. His name is Chemo Robby. He is a brain cancer surviver with a scar to prove it. We hiked together for a little bit. He is pretty interesting. He teaches at a college. I hiked on but he caught up and we talked some more. I was ready to camp but he was going to go a few more miles. I decided the place I wanted to camp sucked so I kept going.

I always like meeting someone new. We get to exchange the basic info first. We hiked to together long enough where you get past the basics and more into who exactly is the other hiker and what are they about. It's cool. Kind of like a game. You get really good at listening. I have found that it's more fun being interested than trying to be interesting. I really think people actually like you more when you are interested in them, then you trying to be interesting to them. If that makes any sense. Plus while hiking up hills it's easier to listen and save your breath lol (jk)

I have discovered the best part of this whole hike. It's not the mountain pass views (which are amazing), not the crystal clear glacier pools (which are delicious), not the trees, streams or wildlife. It's the people. The people I have met, the friends I have made, the many conversations and memories made together that has made this hike unforgettable. Worth every mile(some of which where very painful). I didn't have to walk over 900 miles to really understand that. I think I knew it all along. But what I realized is that everyone I come across on the PCT has made an impression on me. I enjoy getting to know everyone I meet. What I don't get and what I find sad... Is that my normally life before the trail I did not act this way to other people. In fact I think most don't. To often we pass by someone and don't say hello, not even a nod, or even a look. No acknowledgement what so ever that another human being is right next to us. But I'm different now. I feel different. My view of the world feels different. I have become someone different. I wasn't a person who could hike 30 miles in a day(I proved that many times haha) I couldn't push myself through exhaustion and pain just to do it again the next day w/a smile. I couldn't talk to random people and genuinely want to get to know them. I don't know if this character LaZboy is me or the person I want to be. I guess maybe both. I guess you don't start out as the person you want to be. You have to become that person. Which is a process and doesn't happen over night. I don't think it has to be hard but still a process...

You are who you say you are, till you prove otherwise.

Wow that was getting deep. I almost got stuck. ;) so n e ways. I finally found a nice campsite. I had hopes that we would camp together. But he wanted to to this lake that was off trial like .5 or .6 of a mile. Not this guy I have gone far enough. I set up my tent and just as I finished down came the rain! I jumped inside with all stuff to stay nice and dry. I stripped down to my undees and went out into the rain and walked down to the little stream with my wash cloth in hand. This is a first shower I've had "on trail". It was a little chilly but awesome at the same time. Even though I wasn't buck naked it was still very freeing. I got dry in my tent ate dinner. I love how amazing my sleeping bag feels.

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 69, The Heaviest Day

July 6th

Toloume Meadows Campground mile 942 to Glen Aulin mile 948

Hiked only 6 miles

I wake by my alarm at 3:30a I fell asleep with my phone in my hand as I was tying to finish the journal entry from yesterday. I was so beat yesterday, and I'm not feeling it this morning. I shut off the alarm and went back to sleep. I woke up again at 6 and decided to get dressed and pack up my stuff. I can hear Drew and couple others already awake.

I crawled out of my tent. They are surprised that I am still here. I had grand plans of blowing out of here early and doing a big day... Nope, I ate breakfast and chated with everyone for 5 hours. I finally said my goodbys. It sucks cause Tink is getting off the trail. She is hurt and hasn't been able to hike for a while. Drew won't be getting back on the trail till at least Monday, Doctors orders. So I may not see either of them again. Sad day. Its 11:30 by the time I get on the trail. I was thinking 15 miles today...

Wrong! my pack is so loaded down with food it's ridiculous. It is carrying better since I replaced the broke frame. But it's still super heavy and I am lacking motivation and I still feel like I am recovering from yesterday. My pack is so full I can't even close the top. I had to strap my cloths bag to the outside. It's way heavier than it's ever been. I have so much food and F this bear can.

A mile in and I have decided that I am just going to camp at Glen Aulin campground where there is a bear box so I can lock up all my extra food.

Oh this is bad. It's such a heavy day. I think my main problem is just a worked so hard yesterday that I haven't recovered fully. So I think a short easy day is in order and then it's hammer time again. Plus this will give me time to eat a lot of food and try and lighten the load.

I had a nice hour long lunch by the river and a sweet meadow. I ate my Avacado, and red pepper I have been carrying from Mammoth. Yum oh so good. Almost to the campsite and came across this sweet Water fall.

haha look at the beard, look at the beard! Cant wait to see how big this guy gets.

You know what really bothers me... All of this horse shit all over the trail. It's freakin everywhere. I just saw a Ranger riding a horse and dragging a second one along behind. So that explains the source.

I roll in the campground. Pretty nice there is a water, toilets and bear box. I am pretty much the first one here for the night. I guess this place gets pretty packed by the night time. It's nice lounging around and eating with nothing to do.

A few hours pass I'm in my tent relaxing. There is lots of others here now. Mostly weekend backpackers. One guy set up is tent next to mine just before dark. He's a PCT hiker. The first PCT hiker I have seen in a while. I am so far behind the pack it's crazy. I'm used to seeing so many PCT hikers. Or I guess I should say thru hikers. His name is Crush. Pretty nice guy from Dallas Texas. We chit chated a bit. But it's time for bed. I've got a heavy pack to haul tomorrow.

I've never had a problem with the weight till today. My pack is well over the 48lbs It weight in at during the last long stretch.

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 68, Tuloume meadows

1000 Island Lake mile 923 to Tuloume meadows mile 942

Hiked 18 mile.

I ate breakfast I was dressed and had my sleeping bag and pad packed up but I just laid on the floor of my tent. I'm ready to get going. I just can't yet... I don't know, I'm just so comfortable laying here. It takes me about 15 min before I managed to get going again and finish packing up the tent.

I don't feel to good this morning, not bad just not good. I had service for a bit and got a call from Jordan. She was almost home so that was good news and then the call dropped and I no longer had service.

I had Donahue pass to climb. I was hiking pretty fast until I got to the pass. It was slow going with all the stair stepping and switch backs.

Going over the pass really took it out of me and killed a lot of time. I'm going to have to pick it up to if I want to get to the Post office before it closes.

It's all down hill and flat from here. I of course had to stop and dig a cathole for the daily duty. Lol. More set backs. I keep passing lots and lots of other weekend warrior type backpackers and day hikers.

I keep checking the mileage and the time. I'm finally on the flat section. I can still make it if I do a little faster than 3mph. And have about 15 min to spare. I'm just so tired. Second day back out on the trail from 7 off and I'm already trying to do almost 20 miles by noon with no breaks. (Except to poop) I can feel my myself starting to slow down. I force myself to run on the slight down hills. Why is this so hard right now? On my way into Reds Meadows I did this so easily. I am borderline bonking at this point. Every step feels hard. But I force some more running. My lungs are on fire. I eat the rest of the snacks I have in my hip belt pocket and finished off the water in my MSR water bladder. All I have left is a half fully Gatorade bottle of water. I'm 1.5 miles away and I'm only 20 minutes till 12. I'm not going to make it, I might as well stop killing myself and rest. The PO will open again on Monday...

I have pretty much given up at this point. I remember a note that Jordan gave to me:

Why the hell have I come this far and pushed so hard to just give up? I ditched my pack behind a big rock grabbed my water bottle and started running all out. No longer weighted down from my pack I ran the whole way following the signs. I finally came to a parking lot. And ran up to the building and someone behind me said "LaZboy?" What the heck? I turned around and it was Tink! "Holy shit what are you doing here?" She had been in Tuolumne for a week now. I asked her where the PO was. She said it was 1.5 miles away by the store... OMG I could have cried (if I was the crying type haha) she said that the PO has been staying open later though and there was a free shuttle that would take me there in 15 min. I bought a bag of gold fish and a cookie ice cream sandwich from the other little store that was there. And we both waited for the bus. I just want to lay down and sleep. I'm so beat, "beat" doesn't come close to explaining how I feel.

I was a mess and totally fired. I was having trouble thinking straight. I hurt everywhere. I finally got to the PO and the guy is super nice and is going to be open for a other hour but he can't get my package right now cause they have to check in all the boxes they just got in. I have 5 boxes here! 2 resupply, a bounce box which I forwarding to Echo Lake and two from SixMoons Design. One of which I need to send back.

I just realized I lost my iPhone... Ahh are you freaking kidding me? I can't handle This right now. But I keep it together and I get back on the bus and hope it's just sitting on the ground by the bus stop... So it's not on the round. I went back to the little store and it's there waiting for me the nice attendant hands it to me. Wow that was a close one. All is well again.I had to wait 20 min for the next bus. I finally got my boxes and walk to the backpackers camp ground. I set my stuff on the picnic table and just crash and lay down in dirt on someone's forgotten tent foot print next to the fire ring.

Shit!!! I still have to go back 3 miles to get my pack! I'm regretting that decision now. So I have to hike 6 not so bonus, bonus miles. Today sucks. I hate working so hard it's just so far from fun. I've never had to push myself this hard before. High School football practice had nothing on what I just did. My 30 mile day was way easier.

I sleep on the ground for about 2 hours. I filled my water bottle and start making the trek back to me pack. Lucky I took a screen shot of the Halfmile app with the mile location of my pack. Cause I would have never found it without it. 2 and a half hours later I made it back to the campground. Set up my tent and later Drew showed up! He was having problems with his knee. So he went to into the valley to get it checked out. They said his bursa was inflamed. They have him a cortisone shot and sent him on his way. Doctor said you'll know in 2 days weather it's good to go or not. Looks like Drew might be back on the trail again. Just a day behind me.

Met some cool people at camp that night. A lady and her husband who used to take the REI groups on there first backpacking trip. I'm still so out of it. I need to sleep. Everyone is sitting around the fire talking and drinking beers having a good time. I'm in my tent sleeping.

Tomorrow I'm hitting the trail early. It's time to start doing big miles and make up some time.

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 67, Back on the trail

July 4th

Reds Meadows mile 906 to 1000 island lake mile 922

Hiked 16 miles

It feels weird to be back on the trail. I feel bad for leaving Jordan again. It was hard to leave her. It's even harder when I can see the tears running down her checks. She's is so amazing I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

She dropped me off at the bus stop to Reds Meadows. We say our good bys.

I wait for the bus amongst the day hikers. I talk to a guy name Jon and his friend they asked me about gear, food and maps that I am using. They where going out backing pack for a few days.

I stopped by the devils postpile. Pretty crazy. I can't stop thinking how the hell did those form. I read the Info on the boards but doesn't really answer any questions for me.

Hiking is hard again. The miles pass by slowly. I keep thinking about how nice it was to be with Jordan again. I wish she was hiking with me. Even if for a little bit.

I'm thinking I might only hike 6 miles today. My next resupply is in Tulome. It's Friday (The 4th of July) and I'm going to have to wait for the post office to open on Monday. Which sucks cause now this pushes me back another 2 days at least.

I hiked 6 miles and about to call it quits for the day. I was about to set up camp at this place with running water a bath room and a bear box.

But I met a couple new hikers I haven't seen before. (Of course I haven't I'm 14 days behind schedule and 7 days behind everyone I had been hiking with) it was Gismo (girl) and DirtNap (guy) we talked for a bit. They continued on. They were headed to 1000 island lake. 9ish miles for here. Gismo planted a seed in my head. Post offices are usually open on Saturdays I checked Yogi's notes and it looks like it's open 9-12. I'm only 27 miles away at this point. And it's early. I can do 9 more and wake up early and get my box before P.O. Closes, right?? I can do that! Let's get to 1000 island lake and we shall see what tomorrow brings.

Saw this cool lake hanging up in high in the mountains.

I'm 3 miles away from 1000 island lake and my muscles are seizing up they don't like this hiking business right now. They aren't performing like I expect them to. It's crazy how fast aterify takes it's toll. Only 7 days off the trail and it's like starting from Campo again.

I took a bird bath by the lake found a nice campsite. I sit here alone by the lake... It's nice except for the alone part. But still nice.

Time for dinner. It's roman noodles, peanut butter, and hot sauce for dinner. Wow so good. I really like it, thanks Adam for telling about this.

Time to sleep I plan to wake up at 3am and get going early. Got to make it to Tuolumne before post office closes.

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, July 21, 2014

Zero days with my Jordan

June 27- July 3rd

Wow I can't believe I'm going to see Jordan again for the first time in over two months. I'm so excited. This is going to be a great week.

She just called me and said she is going to be here in 10min! Holy shit I'm actually nervous right now. My heart is pounding. Butterflies and what not.

When she pulls up in the car and gets out it's so funny cause we both felt so awkward lol. But we got over it. Drew was checking into the hostel as we are leaving. I'm glad Jordan is getting to meet some of my friends.

Checked into the hotel and hang out for a bit and then it was almost time for Jordan's birthday present.

Lucky the hotel is right across the street from where we need to go. So when I was leaving Bishop I remember Jordan talking about how much her back hurt. So when I was about to go over Kearsarge pass the last bit of service I had I made us both appointments to get messages. I figured I would get one to since I was pretty beat up.

This is us at the message place. It was amazing I need to do this more often. Afterwards we both felt like jello.

We went to the brewery. And saw Goldmine on the way. He decided to join us. He was on his way out of town but we talked him into staying. It wasn't very hard lol. Beers at the brewery was fantastic.

Dinner at place called Campo.

We had an awesome pizza there.

Next day we did some SUP boarding. We went to June lake. On the way there I picked up some hiker trash that where hitching from mammoth to Tuolumne.

SUP boarding was so much fun I think we found something new to start doing back home. We got totally toasted from the sun.

Awesome Mexican resturant. Enjoying a little margarita.

Cruising around town on the trolley. It's crazy it's so awesome. We ate at every top rated place in town.


Down in the Mammoth village. We feel like we have eaten everywhere good in Mammoth and it's time to change the scenery.

We drove to South Lake Tahoe!

We found a place on air bnb. It was a nice place with bikes we could cruise around town.

Birthday breakfast. Coconut sauce and bananas. Hash brows and avocados. Super amazing.


Cruising the bikes and Wine tasting!

Then we bought a bottle and drank it in there back yard. Yeah we got pretty tipsy.

At the beach South Lake Tahoe.

I finally caught "the laugh" with a camera. Haha my favorite! I love this girl like crazy. ...She going to kill me for posting this picture but I love it.


Haha got her in my sleeping bag. Don't worry it's still practically brand new so it's still clean.

We did so much stuff I could write all day about it. It was a blast and I got to spend time with my best friend.

I didn't want to her to leave. Seeing her tears makes me sad. Love you Jordan thank you for making my birthday great. I wish I could go home with you but there is still something I must finish here.

When I get to Sierra city I can show you want she did for me for my birthday.

We went back to Mammoth and spent one more night there. We wanted to spend the 4th in south Lake Tahoe. But we decided it was better Jordan left the 4th so she had plenty of time to get to work on the 6th.

I decided to get back on the trail on the 4th of July. I had plenty of fun this week I don't need to party for the 4th.

- Posted from my iPhone