Mile 1007 to Sonora pass (road to Bridgeport mile 1018
Hiked 11 miles
I woke up and ate breakfast with Pete. He didn't have any coffee so I have his a couple of my instant hazel nut coffee packets. He was going to hike real slow. To delay getting to his vehicle till 3pm cause the traffic in Bay Area is pretty bad. He said if I was still at the road when he gets there he would take me to Bridgeport. But I should be long gone by then.
I started hiking at 7am the pass was awesome. The trail was nice. Graded very well. Like I'm used to from the desert. It was an easy 10 miles.
I climbed up Sonora pass really easy it was the easiest pass I think I have done. It was beautiful.
I got down to the road. It's hitching time. To the left people can go to Kennedy Meadows north and to the right is Bridgeport. I met another hiker named CJ she was nice. She hiked the PCT in 94 so it was cool to talk to her about the trail. She also knew Sheryl Strayed who wrote the book wild.
We caught a ride just as the rain started to fall. Huge rain drops that would have soaked us in no time. The lady that picked us up had perfect timing.
We got into town and I headed straight to a place to eat. I had a panini sandwhich.
I walked to the clinic. And they didn't have a doctor there but they had a PA so they checked me out and really didn't give me any answers. They drew some blood to test so I will have to wait till tomorrow and see if they find anything.
Update: The PA called me the next day and said my bloods results didn't show anything. She said my blood sugar was a little low.
So basically she said drink lot of water and eat a lot and don't push so hard...
Well I can't say it was a waste of money. But it really didn't tell me much.
I checked into a motel and just as I was walking to the room a hiker I had never met before was being dropped off his name is Oak. We ended up splitting the cost of the room. He was going to go to med school to become a doctor. Pretty crazy. So many people you meet out here doing so many different things.
I went to the little grocery store here in town and bought some snacks and a another days worth of food to get me to echo lake.
Just being off the trail for a little bit has helped me recharge and realize that if I went home right now I would just wish I was still hiking. I had a nice conversation with Blue Butterfly(I met her in Tuolumne)she is the sweetest lady I have ever met. She too was feeling like she wanted to quit after this last section. But after some rest in town we both decided to keep going.
I walked over to the gas station to get some Gatorade and saw this amazing sunset
Bluebutterfly is in the blue jacket
Back to the motel. Oak and I watched tv and went to sleep.
Tomorrow after check out it's back to the trail.
I don't like posting about all these negative thoughts and feelings I'm having. I wish it was all happy with warm fuzzies and what not. I'm just trying to keep it real. I want to remember my struggle as well as the triumphs. I try to maintain a positive outlook. I know that trail is testing me. I talk to the trail like its a power in the universe. I believe I was meant to meet the people and experience things along the way. The trail makes me hurt to slow me down to experience those things. I'm trying to convince the trail to make me feel good to speed up. Lol. Especially since my window of finishing the trail is closing quickly. I'm currently 14 days behind schedule. I need to start pushing 25+ mile days to finish when I want to.
- Posted from my iPhone
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