Campsite at mile 410 to messenger flats camp ground mile 430
Hiked 20 miles
Woke up in normal fashion and it is an amazing morning. I'm feeling really good.
Here is a little perspective of where I'm at. I'm the blue dot with the arrow.
Headed straight for Acton. Should be there tomorrow.
This has been an amazing experience. I can't believe I'm actually here doing it. Totally just proves the power of intention and what happens when you place a goal in your mind. Doing the things you said you wanted to do...
The morning WAS perfect...
Then I hit the poodle dog bush section. WTF!?
I didn't take any pictures of this BS I wish I did. I was so pissed off the whole rest of the day, it was just bad.
This section of the trail has been forgotten about... Over grown, fallen trees and poodle bush everywhere.
I somehow managed to over look the detour options. But I feel they weren't very clear or it didn't seem like it was that big of a deal. I half expected to see signs showing a detour.
Nope, I walked through like 6 miles of the worst section of bull shit trail I've ever seen in my life.
Disclaimer: I'm fully aware it was my own fault, but in the moment I was really pissed and pointing fingers. Heres a sample. "It was Halfmile's fault for not making the detour clear, why didn't Yogi make it more clear in here book, why the hell hasn't the PCTA cleaned up this section or officially close it? They did for some stupid frog" Haha I was all over the place. "They don't have money to pay people to clear this out. Ok how about this. The permit to thru hike is free. Charge $250 for it! With the snap of a finger I just raised over $250,000 to get that shit cleaned up!" Haha like I said I was really pissed. I went on and on in my head to the point I was yelling things. But no one was around to hear me.
It's kind of funny looking back, BUT like I said "I know I can really only blame myself."
At times I had to take my pack off and crawled under fallen trees. Feeling like I had poodle dog bush (PDB) all over me. Bush as tall as me covering the trail and surprise that bush you just brush up against was PDB! Ahh I'm freaking out!
I don't want to dwell on it anymore. You can't imagine it with out going through it for like 6ish miles. I just keep telling myself my thoughts have no meaning except the meaning I give them. Haha so I struggled to be in positive head space.
I made it though and I started to wonder how Drew is doing. And then here he comes walking up behind me while I'm digging through my pack looking for ibuprofen (vitamin I). I was just about to say wasnt that some Bull shit. And he tells me he did a detour... "What, there was a detour? How the hell did you find it? Aw whatever." He told me, but I just kept telling him how lucky he was. I guess the detour/road walk was pretty hard as well. (It was Steep)
We made it to the messenger flats camp ground. Set up my tent quarantined my clothes in gallon zip lock bags haha. Cleaned my feet with baby wipes, got in my sleeping cloths and ate dinner rolled up in my sleeping bag. Oh man this is what heaven feels like...
A few minutes later all kinds of people started showing up. Tink was just behind us she went through the PDB as well.
This guy named OG showed up. I had just met him at the ranger station earlier in the day. (Ranger station was a reliable place for water.) I heard him say hi to someone that had just walked in. I recognized her voice... It was Heather/Steady she had a new trail name now "Mung". I hadn't seen her since Warner Springs. Somehow I passed her? She wasn't going to take any zeros so I thought she would be 100 miles ahead of me by now. But apparently she has been part of a group for sometime now that has been just a day ahead of me this whole time. Hiking in a large group it's easy to be sucked into zero days with them so they could all stick together. Lol. (If your in a group you end up compromising quiet a bit. It's usually pretty easy to be convinced into taking a zero no matter what you do. I wish my friends I made at kickoff would catch up. I've heard they are only a few days behind.
For the most part I've hiked alone. Once and a while on and off with people. Drew and Tink are the ones I have hiked with the longest. It's been fun. It has a the day has a different feel. It's almost like a family. Either way I go I'm still never really alone...
I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I added my Spot GPS Locator to a page that shows my last checkin point. It also shows all my check in points along the trail. Clicker here to see that page
Off to sleep now.
- Posted from my iPhone
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