Messenger flats camp ground mile 430 to Acton KOA mile 444
Hiked 14 miles
The plan today is to get water at the North Forks Ranger station. Then go to the KOA and get water and do atleast 6 more miles and camp for the night. The goal is to get close enough to the Saufley's house (trail angels), so we could just Nero (less than 10 miles) the next day and get there early morning.
The thing about the Going to the Saufleys is that they only take 50 hikers at one time. Since we are right in the herd we need to get there early in the morning so we can get the a spot of someone just leaving. Hikers are only allowed to stay 2 nights (unless your injured).
Drew and I get up at 4 and hit the trail before 5:30. Everyone around us is still sleeping. I can't believe how many hikers showed up after us. There was at least 15.
The views of the morning.
We had finally arrived at the Ranger Station. Where there was a water cache they also had sodas and candy bars that we could buy/donate for a $1 or $2.
Drew is the first person I have seen eating a snickers on the trail. I always here about snickers and see the rappers but never anyone eating one till now.
We pushed on torwards the KOA. It was an easy hike. We arrived at 12:30 just a as huge group of other hikers are leaving. I guess they cowboy camped under the gazebo thats in the back. There was a huge Crowd of people here for the Memorial weekend. There was a pool and inflatable castle and whatnot for the kids.
We checked in at the Office paid our $10 so we could use the showers and camp if we like.
First things first lets get the hell out of these stinking ass salty cloths and take a shower and do Laundry.
The shower was incredible as per usual. Got into my town cloths and washed everything else. I ended up walking around the KOA in my boxer briefs lol. I love getting all town clean again. most people just get water at the KOA and just head to the Saufleys house but since we are in such a huge herd right now I didnt want to run the risk of gettting there and not being able to get all clean again.
We decided to stay the night at the KOA and head out really really early to beat the crowd that was here. I where quite about it. We didn't want others to get the idea to do the same.
It was fun we ate delivery foods and laid about.
Cowboy camping under the gazebo. My things all laid out in order to go back into my pack to make a quick escape at 4am.
- Posted from my iPhone
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