Why Hike The PCT?

Why Am I Hiking the PCT?: 

Why on Earth would anyone ever want to walk/hike 2650 Miles? Travel through desert, forest, over high mountain passes, while carrying 20-50 lbs on your back, and beat yourself up everyday for 5 months? Why Hike the PCT                                                                                                                                 "Because it's there." -George Mallory

I am doing it for fun, adventure, do something different, and I want to be able to say I did something that few people can say they have done. I want to walk the walk and do something I said I was going to do. The biggest motivation is to prove to myself that I can.
     "Weather a man thinks he can. or thinks he Can't. Either way he is right."  -Henry Ford.

 Anything the mind of man can conceive he most certainly can achieve. 

When did I first hear about the PCT? 

 I first heard about the PCT while I was listening to an archived recording of a conference call for my business and Cheryl Watson was speaking about their success in the business and she mentioned how she had the time and money freedom to Hike the PCT. She then explained how it wasn't just a "hike" it was a hike that wore out 6 pairs of shoes and took 5 months to complete! My mind was blown and I thought, who in their right mind would ever want to do something like that? I thought it sounded terrible. However the seed was planted. 

A month later I came across that same recording again. This time afterwards I actually remembered the name of trail. I eventually Googled the PCT to see what it was all about. I found pictures, blogs and Then I found the Class of 2012 PCT video! It was exactly what I needed to see, it was awesome so well done. (nice work Virgo.)  ...The little planted seed was growing like crazy and I knew I would hike the PCT someday. 

To watch that amazing PCT Class of 2012 video click here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it looked like such an amazing adventure unlike anything I have ever done before. I wanted to do it. However my thoughts were starting to poison my dream.  "I can't be gone that long, I can't afford that, I can't do it, I can't blah blah blah "... but then I corrected my thought process and thought "How can I?" Boom! Mind racing with thoughts, ideas, possible solutions and eventually the answers to my excuses. I then realized I was the only thing standing in my way. I could figure it out. 

 Most people are afraid to take on a challenge, they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. People are afraid of failure. I have come to terms with the fact that it's going to be a challenge, It's going to uncomfortable (physically and mentally) And that I may fail to cross the border into Canada. Some would say it's not the destination it's the journey that's important. Weather I finish or not I'm so excited for the journey...

Thank you Cheryl Watson, although we've never met and you will probably never read this Journal. Thank you for planting the seed. I can't wait to meet you someday and tell you about the impact you have had on me by simply sharing your story. Thank you for giving me my "Why"

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