Wednesday, April 16, 2014

6 days till my start date... 6 days! food prep

Filling resupply boxes is in full swing

I've been busy, and Unfortunately sick too. Of course I've waited till the very end to make my resupply boxes. As per usual 80% of the work gets done in last 20% of the time. But I guess it's my fault for taking 2 vacations (thank you little blue sign) each a week long during the month I was planning on putting together food resupply boxes. So two vacations in a month I wouldn't feel bad for me either lol. So I find myself getting lost in the details...

Here is a trip to SAMs for some snack foods. Cost $101

Here's a picture of my resupply room at my parents house.

Making breakfast. zip lock baggies with quick oats, pecans, dried cranberries, almonds, cinnamon, salt, flax seed meal, and I will have a jar of peanut butter and honey to add each morning as well.

My lovely assistant/slavedriver aka Love of my life, Jordan. She gets things done I tell you. I don't know what I would do without you sometimes.

I hate to say it, but I know I won't have all my boxes done in time before I leave. Jordan and my parents have agreed to finish them when I'm gone. I hate to put that on anyone but it's just the way it worked out. I was worried about making my boxes to early and have stuff go bad. I was also worried I wouldn't like the food I picked out 6 or 7 months ago. Worst case I can resupply in towns as I go. But I trust they will do a great job. I have 27 or 29 total resupply boxes(depends on how fast or slow I go). Each box will have about 3-8 days of food and other supplies depending on how far between each town.

Here is what a typical box will look like. We put mustaches on them to make it stand out... But it kind of blends in. I'm going to use something else. Its important my box stand out cause it will be kept at the post office with hundreds of other hiker's resupply boxes. My first box gets mailed out today! I've been planning this trip for almost a year I can't believe it's actually happening.

Here is what 4 days of food looks like.

Justin's peanut butter, rail Oreos, pack of 6 homemade granola bars, homemade dehydrated vegan chili, some crackers, 2 apples w/cinnamon sliced dehydrated, and every box will have tea, apple cider, and vitaminC/electrolyte drink mix packets. One day I have a pop tart and the rest of the time oatmeal. I love my oatmeal I've had it for breakfast practically every day for almost a year now.

I have tried to keep the junk food down to a minimum. I plan to use Oreos as something to barter with other hikers for food or whatever. (If I don't eat them first)

Thanks for reading don't forget to follow. I'll be on the trail soon...

- Posted from my iPhone

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